The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Get out your handkerchiefs, director Joseph Mankiewicz’ 1947 fantasy has been known to inspire tears in even the hardest-hearted moviegoer. This ectoplasmic romance between Gene Tierney (as the most beautiful spinster ever to don a shawl and wire-rim glasses) and Rex Harrison as the sea-faring ghost who loves her is a match not made in heaven but certainly headed there. Bernard Herrmann’s wistful score is the finishing touch on one of the greatest date-night movies ever.
About Axelle Carolyn
A horror fan for as long as she can remember, Axelle Carolyn started out as a film journalist before writing and directing two award-winning short films in 2011, then her first feature, ghost story Soulmate, the following year. She is the creator and co-producer of 2015 horror anthology Tales of Halloween, for which she also directed a segment, alongside fellow TFH gurus Neil Marshall, Mike Mendez and Darren Bousman.