Mick Garris on


Released 1979
Distributor Universal Pictures

Steven Spielberg, along with screenwriters Bob Gale and Robert Zemeckis, pays tribute to the all-star comedy epics of the 60s in this 1979 WWII farce, in particular The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming. It’s one of those rare big-budget films where every single penny is right there on the screen and though it suffers from excess, Spielberg still manages to pull off several brilliant set-pieces, including one of the most explosively joyous dance scenes in the history of movies; it’s like a Fred Astaire number choreographed by Rube Goldberg.

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About Mick Garris

Mick Garris produced and directed a segment for Nightmare Cinema, the spine-tingling horror event of the summer. Previously, Mick created the Masters of Horror hour-long cable series of fright films helmed by well-known genre directors, including himself.  Numerous screenplay assignments led to a career in directing, and he is perhaps best known for his long association with Stephen King, whose novels The Stand and The Shining have been translated by Garris into well-received mini-series. Mick authored the book, “Development Hell”, which can be ordered from Amazon.com at this link! Mick’s recent books “Snow Shadows,” “Tyler’s Third Act,” “Ugly” and “SALOME” are now out from Cemetery Dance. Mick also executive produced Unbroken for Universal Pictures, based on Laura Hillenbrand’s book on Louis Zamperini with Angelina Jolie directing

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