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A Star is Born ’76

Released 1976
Distributor Warner Bros.

Barbra Streisand steps into the Judy Garland role in this big-scale musical remake that works pretty well on its own terms, but would have benefitted from the original casting choice for leading man, the superstar….well, we’ll let Adam Rifkin tell you about it.

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About Adam Rifkin

Adam Rifkin is the versatile writer/director known for writing family fare like Disney’s Underdog, Dreamwork’s MousehuntSmall Soldiers and Zoom. From his darker, grittier side Rifkin wrote and directed the cult hits The Dark BackwardDetroit Rock CityNight at the Golden Eagle, The Chase and his critically acclaimed and award winning surveillance drama Look.  Most recently Rifkin wrote and directed Reality Show,  a dark satire about the world of reality television that had its world premiere on the opening night of the 2013 SXSW Film Festival. Follow Adam on Twitter Adam on Facebook

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Yes, Elvis would have been great in “A Star Is Born”. I’m reminded of the legend that Elvis was the original choice to play Colorado in “Rio Bravo”. The part ended up being played by Rick Nelson, who was good; but Elvis would have been amazing as the sneering, cocky gunslinger opposite The Duke and Dean Martin – and what Howard Hawks could have done with him! Again, Col. Parker is blamed for it not happening. Who knows what the truth is … but what might have been!