Mark Pellington on

Rosemary’s Baby

Released 1968
Distributor Paramount

William Castle’s greatest movie– because it was directed by Roman Polanski! May be the finest book to film adaptation ever, brilliant in every detail. Naturally, it’s slated to be remade–but we dunno who’d be foolish enough to try and improve on it.

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About Mark Pellington

Mark Pellington directs feature films, television, commercials and music videos. His film credits include Going All the Way (with Ben Affleck and Jeremy Davies), Arlington Road (with Jeff Bridges and Tim Robbins),  The Mothman Prophecies (with Richard Gere and Laura Linney), Henry Poole is Here (with Luke Wilson) and I Melt with You  (starring Thomas Jane, Jeremy Piven, Rob Lowe and Christian McKay. He also co-directed the fabulous 3-D concert film U-2 3-D.

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