Angels With Dirty Faces
“C’mon out, Rocky. You haven’t got a chance!” 70 years of parodies haven’t dimmed the luster of this much-beloved Warners gangster saga that pretty much defined the crime movie as we knew it for a generation. Followed by a sequel, Angels Wash Their Faces, and countless programmers featuring the Dead End Kids as The East Side Kids, The Little Tough Guys and‚ The Bowery Boys– 89 movies for three different studios!
About John Landis
John Landis is the director of Animal House, The Blues Brothers, An American Werewolf In London, Trading Places, Schlock, Kentucky Fried Movie, Spies Like Us, Three Amigos!, Into The Night, The Stupids, Innocent Blood, Coming To America, Burke & Hare, and Michael Jackson’s Thriller and Black Or White among many other films, commercials and extensive work in television. He was the Executive Producer and often director of HBO's celebrated series Dream On, and contributed two movies to the Masters of Horror series, Deer Woman and Family. His feature length documentaries Mr. Warmth: The Don Rickles Project premiered on HBO, and Slasher on IFC.