Bernard Rose on

Bad Timing

Released 1980
Distributor World Northal

AKA: Bad Timing: A Sensual Obsession. Nicolas Roeg followed The Man Who Fell to Earth with this‚ challenging, equally non-linear study of psychosexual compulsion, which begins in the middle, jumps to the end and then back to a prologue, all in the first five minutes. Great use of music by Tom Waits, the Who, Billie Holiday and more. Disowned by its British distributor as “sick”, the US version was originally rated X but toned down somewhat for an R.

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About Bernard Rose

Bernard Rose was one of the pioneering music video directors in the early days of MTV,  shooting Relax by Frankie Goes To Hollywood, and Red Red Wine for UB40. Rose’s feature credits as writer and director include Paperhouse, Candyman, Immortal Beloved, Ivansxtc, Anna Karenina, and Two Jacks. Rose has recently completed his Japanese language ‘Samurai Marathon 1855’ for producers Jeremy Thomas & Toshiaki Nakazawa. You can check out his work at

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