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Released 1999
Distributor Universal Pictures

Directed by visual effects artist John Bruno, 1999’s Virus is a seafaring science fiction thriller about a Russian research ship beset by alien cyborgs looking to use humans as “spare parts.” Some of those parts belong to stars Jamie Lee Curtis, William Baldwin and Donald Sutherland as a tugboat captain. A line of action figures and even a video game couldn’t attract ticket buyers.

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About Axelle Carolyn

A horror fan for as long as she can remember, Axelle Carolyn started out as a film journalist before writing and directing two award-winning short films in 2011, then her first feature, ghost story Soulmate, the following year. She is the creator and co-producer of 2015 horror anthology Tales of Halloween, for which she also directed a segment, alongside fellow TFH gurus Neil Marshall, Mike Mendez and Darren Bousman.

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