Jesus Treviño on

The Thing ’82

Released 1982
Distributor Universal

In contrast to Howard Hawks’ trim and efficient The Thing from Another World released in 1951, John Carpenter’s 1982 remake is an effects-heavy affair that generates most of its suspense from the startling permutations of Rob Bottin’s alien make-ups. Kurt Russell delivers another squint-eyed, Clint Eastwood-inspired performance and he’s helped by a supporting cast (including Wilfred Brimley and Richard Dysart) that give convincingly anxiety-ridden turns. Ennio Morricone provides an eerie score (though Carpenter was compelled to add a few musical passages of his own to the soundtrack). 

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About Jesus Treviño

Writer-director Jesus Salvador Treviño has more than a hundred hours of American prime-time television to his credit, including episodes of such shows as NYPD BlueERResurrection BlvdThird WatchCrossing JordanCriminal Minds, BonesThe Unit, and Law and Order: Criminal Intent. He began his career as an activist documentary filmmaker covering the 1960s Chicano civil rights movement.  But throughout all these efforts, he was hounded by his demanding and persistent Inner Nerd, which triumphed when he began directing episodes of SeaquestStar Trek: VoyagerStar Trek: Deep Space Nine, Babylon FiveSpace Above and Beyond, and the two-hour TNT movie Babylon Five: Third Space.

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