Mike Mendez on

The Incredible Melting Man

Released 1977
Distributor American International Pictures

The solitary reason for this film’s existence is to watch a human being dissolve into a puddle of guts and gore over the course of 82 minutes and at this it succeeds mightily, thanks to the movie’s real star, make-up wizard Rick Baker. The film stars Alex Rebar as an astronaut just returned from a flight to Saturn where he was exposed to, what else, radiation. Soon he’s wandering the countryside eating flesh to stay alive while his own skin drops off his body like an over-cooked turkey. Director William Sachs’ offal opus was a good-sized hit and with that wonderfully straight-forward title, who could resist?

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About Mike Mendez

A native to Los Angeles, Mike Mendez was in the backyard making movies since the age of 10. At the age of 22, Mike made his first feature film Killers, which was accepted into the Sundance Film Festival in 1997. He followed that up with the horror comedy The Convent, which was also accepted into the Sundance Film Festival in 2000. In 2002, he produced a documentary for Universal Television and Showtime entitled Masters of Horror, featuring interviews with some of the genre's most legendary filmmakers. In 2006, Mike's film The Gravedancers premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival and was released in theaters nationally as part of the first After Dark Films as part of 8 Films To Die For. After working on short films for X-box and working on television show's such as Beavis & Butthead, Mike’s next film, Big Ass Spider! in 2013 premiered at the SXSW Film Festival. It also won the Saturn Award that year for best limited release film. The latest batch of work includes the horror anthology, Tales of Halloween of which he served as a producer and as one of the directors. Mike also helmed the 2015 television movie, Lavalantula for Syfy channel Mike just completed production on his latest feature Don’t Kill It starring Dolph Lundgren. It is set to premiere in 2017.

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