David DeCoteau on

Eyes of Laura Mars

Released 1978
Distributor Columbia Pictures

Director Irvin Kershner’s stylish thriller is reminiscent in more ways than one of Mario Bava’s 1964 giallo, Blood and Black Lace; each film contrasts the glamorous world of high fashion with the lurid crime spree of a brutal serial killer. As the fashion photographer whose sadistic photo spreads resemble crime scenes, Faye Dunaway begins to experience visions of real-life murders, including her own. Tommy Lee Jones and Brad Dourif co-star and John Carpenter co-wrote the script (from his own story) with David Goodman.

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About David DeCoteau

David DeCoteau has worked professionally in the movie business since he was 18 years old. He got his start through a generous offer from movie legend Roger Corman who hired him in 1980 as a production assistant at New World Pictures. In 1986, David directed and produced his first feature film for another generous film legend, Charles Band. David has gone on to produce and direct more than sixty motion pictures over the past twenty five years. He resides in British Columbia, Canada. Learn more about David and his work at Rapidheart.

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