The Blues Brothers
Most of the voluminous cameo roles in TFH Guru John Landis’s landmark rock comedy were performed on studio sound stages, but the death defying car crash stunts were shot right on the streets of Chicago. This is the premier movie of those generated by Saturday Night Live. The preview version was shorn from 148 minutes to 133, but the excised footage has been reinstated on DVD. In 1998 Landis mounted a sequel, Blues Brothers 2000, with John Goodman, Joe Morton and a ten year old kid combining forces to stand in for the late John Belushi.
About Adam Rifkin
Adam Rifkin is the versatile writer/director known for writing family fare like Disney’s Underdog, Dreamwork’s Mousehunt, Small Soldiers and Zoom. From his darker, grittier side Rifkin wrote and directed the cult hits The Dark Backward, Detroit Rock City, Night at the Golden Eagle, The Chase and his critically acclaimed and award winning surveillance drama Look. Most recently Rifkin wrote and directed Reality Show, a dark satire about the world of reality television that had its world premiere on the opening night of the 2013 SXSW Film Festival.
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