Roger Corman on

She Gods of Shark Reef

Released 1958
Distributor AIP

When this commentary first appeared on our site, it was our 700th to be posted. And who better to mark the occasion than industry legend Roger Corman, without whom numerous contributors to this site might be selling insurance for a living. Shot in 1956 but unreleased until 1958, this Hawaii-set quickie inspired some of Al Kallis’s greatest AIP poster art ever. Usually seen only in faded, scratched prints, this rare IB Technicolor trailer from a private collector showcases Floyd Crosby’s gorgeous photography and shows how terrific this obscure sarong saga once looked.

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About Roger Corman

Movie Legend Roger Corman has been producing and directing pictures since 1954. He has directed over 50 movies and produced over 300, as well as giving starts to half the filmmakers, actors and technicians in Hollywood. His credits include a hefty portion of the titles we feature here on Trailers from Hell. In November 2009 he received an Honorary Lifetime Achievement Academy Award. And if you didn’t already know this stuff, you must have stumbled on this site by accident.

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