Rumble Fish
This was Matt Dillon’s third featured role in a film based on an S.E. Hinton novel, shot back-to-back by Francis Coppola immediately after finishing The Outsiders, which shares much the same cast and crew. What was viewed as its self-indulgent art-house aura turned off audiences and critics, but modern viewers have begun to warm up to this expressionistic and bracingly experimental effort, which was characterized at the time by Time critic Richard Corliss as “Coppola’s professional suicide note to the industry”.
About Adam Rifkin
Adam Rifkin is the versatile writer/director known for writing family fare like Disney’s Underdog, Dreamwork’s Mousehunt, Small Soldiers and Zoom. From his darker, grittier side Rifkin wrote and directed the cult hits The Dark Backward, Detroit Rock City, Night at the Golden Eagle, The Chase and his critically acclaimed and award winning surveillance drama Look. Most recently Rifkin wrote and directed Reality Show, a dark satire about the world of reality television that had its world premiere on the opening night of the 2013 SXSW Film Festival.
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