Raging Bull
Martin Scorsese welcomed the 80’s with this blood-soaked but lyrical portrait of a violent thug who solves his problems with his fists, both in and out of the ring. Jake La Motta’s mesmerizing rise and fall followed the rise and fall of star Robert De Niro’s waistline – in one of the most audacious stunts in American movie-making history, the actor gained 60 Lbs. to inhabit the out-of-shape boxer at the end of his career.
About Dan Perri
Since 1970, designer Dan Perri has been responsible for some of the most iconic title sequences in film and television history including The Exorcist, Star Wars, Raging Bull and Taxi Driver. In 1977 he created the logo for Close Encounters of the Third Kind and directed the film’s advertising campaign. Perri’s most recent work includes The Aviator, In the Valley of Elah and First House on the Hill.