Larry Karaszewski on

Peter Ibbetson

Released 1935
Distributor Paramount Pictures

An untypical project for Henry Hathaway who specialized in two-fisted action films, 1935’s Peter Ibbetson is unusual in more ways than one. Gary Cooper and Ann Harding play two steadfast lovers whose romance will not be denied; even when Cooper is imprisoned they’re able visit each other in their dreams. Almost oppressively strange, the film’s real calling card is the exquisite photography by Charles Lang who knew his way around haunted love affairs—he shot The Uninvited and The Ghost and Mrs. Muir.

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About Larry Karaszewski

Larry Karaszewski and his writing/directing/producing partner Scott Alexander are best known for writing unusual true stories.  Their current release is “Dolemite is My Name” featuring Eddie Murphy as Rudy Ray Moore. The duo previously created the hit television miniseries “The People v O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story” for which they won the Golden Globe, Emmy, PGA and WGA Awards. They also won the Golden Globe and WGA Award for the film “The People vs Larry Flynt.” Other movies include the Oscar winning “Ed Wood” (WGA nomination), “Big Eyes” (Independent Spirit nomination), “Auto Focus" and “Man on the Moon.” The team has been inducted into the Final Draft Screenwriting Hall of Fame.  Larry is also a Governor for writers branch, co-chair of the International Feature Film category, and a Vice President of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences.

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