With a fair number of grimly sardonic dramas like The Third Man and Odd Man Out on his resume, Carol Reed might have been seen as an odd choice to direct a big budget musical version of Dickens’ Oliver Twist. But Reed managed to balance the bright show tunes with the dark side of Dickens’ sprawling tale – Ron Moody cuts a sinister figure as the rapacious Fagin and the animalistic Bill Sikes is played to a T by Oliver Reed. The film triumphed at both the box office and the Academy Awards where it won Best Picture and a director’s statuette for Reed.
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About Robert Weide
Robert Weide's documentary films include The Marx Brothers in a Nutshell; the Emmy-winning W.C. Fields Straight Up; Mort Sahl: The Loyal Opposition; Lenny Bruce: Swear to Tell the Truth (which won an Emmy Award and was Oscar-nominated); and Woody Allen: A Documentary. He has worked in narrative features as Producer and Writer of Mother Night, Director of How to Lose Friends & Alienate People and Co-Writer of the 2014 adaptation of The Giver. Weide was Executive Producer and principal Director of the HBO series, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and created, wrote and directed the 2014 British comedy/drama series Mr. Sloane for Sky Atlantic. He is currently in post-production on a documentary, Kurt Vonnegut: Unstuck in Time, which he commenced filming in 1988. Weide is the recipient of three Emmy Awards, a Golden Globe and a DGA Award.