John Landis on

La Strada

Released 1956
Distributor Trans Lux

The film that put Federico Fellini on the map internationally, with his wife Giuliana Masina’s‚ indelible‚ performance as the waif mistreated by brutish strongman Anthony Quinn. Richard Basehart provides further US name value although he doesn’t dub himself in the English version. Winner of the first Academy Award for foreign language film in 1956.

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About John Landis

John Landis is the director of Animal House, The Blues BrothersAn American Werewolf In LondonTrading Places, Schlock, Kentucky Fried MovieSpies Like UsThree Amigos!Into The Night, The Stupids, Innocent Blood, Coming To America, Burke & Hare, and Michael Jackson’s Thriller and Black Or White among many other films, commercials and extensive work in television. He was the Executive Producer and often director of HBO's celebrated series Dream On, and contributed two movies to the Masters of Horror series, Deer Woman and Family. His feature length documentaries Mr. Warmth: The Don Rickles Project premiered on HBO, and Slasher on IFC.

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