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by Randy Fuller Mar 31, 2020

Crooks and lawyers this week on Trailers From Hell.  What’s the difference, you may ask? Lawyers drink better wine.  Let’s see if we can find a good match for this week’s featured flicks.

2007’s Michael Clayton was nominated for seven Oscars, and it would have been eight had there been a category for Worst Title.  Lawyer Clayton cleans up his clients’ messes, referring to himself as a janitor. He is played by George Clooney, who looks like he knows his way around a wine list but does not look anything like a janitor.  In the wine biz, a lawyer would handle permits, labels, sales and acquisitions – not exactly the stuff of cinematic legend.

Since it takes so much scratch to buy a winery, mostly lawyers and doctors retire to vineyards.  Let’s drink to Law Estate Winery of Paso Robles, owned by Don and Susie Law. Their $77 Audacious Grenache-Cab-Carignan-Syrah blend sounds good for a lawyer.  For the crook, the Rhône rosé. However, at $33 he might need to have his lawyer buy it for him.

Pierrepoint – The Last Hangman has its own niche. Neither a lawyer nor a crook, Albert Pierrepoint was Britain’s “last hangman” of the title.  It is reported that he actually was not the last to hold that grim job, but why let facts get in the way of a good story?   He no doubt saw plenty of crooks during his decades as executioner. I wonder how many of them ordered wine with their last meal?

Keplinger Hangman’s Syrah comes from a Carneros vineyard located next to an old hangman’s tree.  Workers there had better keep busy, lest they find themselves just hangin’ around.

Let Him Have It is a 1991 Britfilm about a couple of young goofs who try to look tough and end up killing a cop.  Well, that’s one way to look tough. The older of the pair tries to prove his innocence, such as it is, to avoid Ol’ Sparky.  Can we hear Bessie Smith doing a few verses of “Send Me to the ‘Lectric Chair?”

Christopher Blake Electric Chair wine is 90% Petit Verdot and 10% who cares when the rest is PV.  This wine did solitary in an oak barrel for nearly two years before being imprisoned in 750 ml bottles, only to be set free when uncorked for this movie.

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