Howard Rodman on

Caged Heat

Released 1974
Distributor New World

Having produced several biker and Filipino women-in-cages pix for Roger Corman, Jonathan Demme got his chance to direct with this sleazy 1974 drive-in special replete with socially-committed prison-abuse trappings, costarring Russ Meyer starlet Erica Gavin and the indelible Barbara Steele. Joe Dante’s first (overlong and way too expensive) trailer for New World. NSFW.

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About Howard Rodman

Howard A. Rodman, a Professor and former Chair of the screenwriting program at USC’s School of Cinematic Arts and an artistic director of the Sundance Screenwriting Labs, wrote Savage Grace with Julianne Moore, August with Josh Hartnett and David Bowie, and the opening night film of the 2000 Sundance Film Festival, Joe Gould’s Secret, with Ian Holm and Stanley Tucci. The sleaziest character in Steven Soderbergh’s film The Underneath is named “Howard Rodman,” for reasons which need not be enumerated here.

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