Dan Perri on

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3

Released 1987
Distributor New Line Cinema

The second sequel to Wes Craven’s smash hit was the wildest. The kids who helped dispatch the supernatural psychopath Freddy Kruger in the first two chapters are now holed up in an asylum where a doctor trains them to “use” their dreams to defeat the seemingly unstoppable boogie-man. Once again a memorable assortment of up-and-coming actors crowd the cast including Patricia Arquette and Laurence Fishburne.

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About Dan Perri

Since 1970, designer Dan Perri has been responsible for some of the most iconic title sequences in film and television history including The Exorcist, Star Wars, Raging Bull and Taxi Driver. In 1977 he created the logo for Close Encounters of the Third Kind and directed the film’s advertising campaign. Perri’s most recent work includes The Aviator, In the Valley of Elah and First House on the Hill.

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